
Rallo the Expert

You get a TVC on the electrified range, starring a talking parrot, to adapt to italian market.
What do you do? Simple: first adapt the commercial, then go further.
So, the parrot becomes a global expert on electrified mobility, with a quick mind and a sharp tongue,
and together with an exceptional testimonial brings to life a digital and social campaign that doesn't sound like any other seen before.

All the contents made aimed to drive to a dedicated landing page where, in addition to the information about the range,
it was possible to deepen the history of Rallo (name chosen by users through IG poll). An expert like this inevitably raises a lot of questions,
so we thought we'd tell his story before the tabloids did.

Comp 2_3

The landing page was dedicated to the models of the electrified range and the related information.
However, we couldn't limit ourselves to the usual informative texts. We had the world's number one expert on our side,
so we asked him to lend us his unmistakable and authoritative voice.

Nerd Alert!
Doesn't Rallo's voice sound familiar to you? No?
Of course, he disguised it, and not just a little, but a true nerd would immediately recognize the Prince of Saiyans, Vegeta.
Or, as we earthlings call him, Gianluca Iacono.


"That's all, Folks!"